+32 498 52 53 21


Training offers are available in the hundreds or thousands. As a training bureau the scope of your experience must be quite large to be able to stand out from the masses.

Veerle Devriendt Consulting stands out through the passion and love put into my commitment to the training forum. Here, participants are invited to step out from their comfort zone, take their responsibilities and confront the – sometimes daunting – reality. The aim is not only to teach the right knowledge and skills, but to really help the participants to enhance their own abilities and value. All of this based on a positive attitude.

During the training programs we always stress the link with the personal values, the work environment and the interactions with others.  Hampering patterns in thinking, feeling and doing are thus revealed.

Some examples of the training programs I already gave:

The training programs are made to measure to the aims and needs of the client.  Do not hesitate to contact me for more information about a specific training.

The size of the groups is fixed with the client according to the theme of the training.