+32 498 52 53 21


Individual coaching is a very through and personal method to acquire an insight into problems and situations in order to offer realistic and workable solutions within the possibilities of the concerned participant. Not only material aspects are taken into account but also personal background and/or private circumstances. These could be mental aspects, philosophical aspects as well as changed personal circumstances. Individual coaching can be very useful for instance when collaborators – for whom the organisation has already done a lot – are functioning less due to a stress situation or a burn out because they found themselves in a certain phase of their lives or are struggling with special personal circumstances.

Veerle Devriendt Consulting helps by teaching the right skills and by  improving efficiency through intensive coaching and stimulation, by evaluating personal specific talents and limitations and through counselling.

For organisations, I give sessions to managers and their collaborators on the subject of their functioning in a work situation. Depending on the set goal – of the firm as well as of the worker – and the resulting questions, the coaching can be aimed at behaviour, enhanced self-consciousness and new personal insights, and is the basis for further personal evolution.

Veerle Devriendt Consulting also organises intervisions for social workers within the organisations. Thanks to intervisions an insight in personal functioning and thinking is acquired. During our sessions, introspection is encouraged together with others having the same or similar concerns. A lesson is learnt -whilst being attentive to each other’s experiences – how to proceed in order to find solutions, to receive support from colleagues, to promote expertise and to gain insight in our own possibilities.

The groups consist of people of one particular organisation or of collaborators from different organisations having the same function.

For private individuals, I offer one-to-one coaching on stress, burn outmourning and other difficult situations (relationships, health, balance work-private life, experiencing loss, …).  My approach is focussed upon stimulating self-discovery and active experimentation.  In other words, what has been discussed and learned during the sessions can be immediately applied within the private or professional sphere.

For help about Professional Organizing you can certainly come to me. Do you feel that your life is a total mess and chaos, do you maybe feel blocked and unproductive? Veerle Devriendt Consulting can improve your quality of life and welfare by learning how to structure, tidy up and organise your things, your time and your space.

I feel that it is of great importance to elaborate a made-to-measure solution for the client.  For more text and explanations about a particular assignment you can always contact me.